Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

1. Definitions, types and application of regulations
2. Types of cookies used by the site
3. How to manage or delete cookies

1. Definitions, types and enforcement

Cookies are small text files that sites visited by the user send and store on the user’s computer or mobile device, to be transmitted back to the same sites on the next visit. It is precisely because of cookies that a site remembers the user’s actions and preferences (such as, for example, login details, language choice, font size, other display settings, etc.) so that they do not have to be indicated again when the user returns to said site or navigates from one page to another of it.

Cookies, therefore, are used to perform computer authentication, session tracking, and storage of information regarding a user’s activities when accessing a site. They may also contain a unique identifier code that allows tracking users’ navigation within the site itself for statistical or advertising purposes. Some operations could not be accomplished without the use of cookies, which in some cases are therefore technically necessary for the very operation of the site.

For more information about cookies and their general functions, the User can visit the informative Web site as   

Cookies can be those set directly by the website or web server that the User is visiting or those from the website whose address was typed by the User and displayed in the URL window (so-called “first-party” cookies).

In the course of browsing a site, the user may also receive on his or her device cookies from sites or web servers other than the one being visited (so-called “third-party” cookies). We speak of a third-party cookie in reference to cases where you visit a website and a third party other than the operator of the visited site issues a cookie through the same, third-party-owned site.

There are then various types of cookies, depending on their characteristics and functions, and these can remain on the user’s computer for different periods of time: so-called session cookies, which are automatically deleted when the browser is closed; so-called persistent cookies, which remain on one’s device until a predetermined expiration date.

According to the regulations in force and applicable in Italy, a user’s consent is not always required for the use of cookies. In particular, the so-called technical cookies do not require such consent, i.e. those used for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communication network, or to the extent strictly necessary to provide a service explicitly requested by the user.

Technical cookies, which do not require express consent for their use, include:

  • first-party analytical cookies, used to collect information, in aggregate form, about the number of users and how they visit the site itself;
  • third-party analytical cookies, when tools are adopted that reduce the identifying power of the cookies and the third party does not cross-reference the information collected with others it already has;
  • navigation or session cookies, used to authenticate and access a service;
  • functionality cookies, which allow the user to navigate according to a set of selected criteria (for example, language, products selected for purchase) in order to improve the service rendered to the same.

For profiling cookies, vice versa, i.e., those aimed at creating profiles referring to users and used in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the latter in the context of web browsing, prior consent of the user is required. A users’ consent is also required for third-party analytical cookies when tools that reduce the identifying power of the cookies are not adopted and the third party cross-references the information collected with others it already has.

2. Types of cookies used by the Site

The Site uses the following types of cookies:

a)      technical navigation or session cookies, which are strictly necessary for the operation of the Site or to enable the User to take advantage of the content and Services requested. They are used for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network, or to the extent strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by you or the User to provide such service. These cookies are strictly necessary for the operation of the site or to enable you to take advantage of the content and services requested. Technical cookies include navigation or session cookies (used to authenticate and access the service).

b)     functionality cookies, i.e. used to enable specific features of the Site and/or to configure it according to the User’s choices (e.g. language) in order to improve the browsing experience. They allow the User to navigate according to a set of selected criteria (e.g. language, products selected for purchase) in order to improve the service.

c)     analytical cookies, which allow us to understand how the site is used by users and to track traffic in and out of the site. They are used, among other things, to assess the effectiveness of an information society service or to help measure site traffic, i.e., the number of visitors also possibly broken down by geographic area, connection time slot or other characteristics. For their activation, when tools that reduce the identifying power of cookies are not adopted and the third party cross-references the information collected with others it already has, the user’s consent is required.

d)     profiling cookies, used in order to observe the preferences that the User reveals through the use of the Site and send, to the User, advertising messages in line with these preferences. They are used to trace specific actions or recurring behavioral patterns in the use of the offered functionalities (pattern) back to determined, identified or identifiable subjects, in order to group the different profiles within homogeneous clusters of different width, so that it is possible for the owner, among other things, also to modulate the provision of the service in an increasingly personalized way beyond what is strictly necessary for the provision of the service, as well as to send targeted advertising messages, i.e. in line with the preferences manifested by the User in the context of web browsing. Their activation requires the user’s consent.

Please note that by disabling browsing, session and/or functionality cookies, the Site may be unavailable or some Services or certain functions of the Site may be unavailable or may not function properly and the User may be forced to change or manually enter certain information or preferences each time he/she visits the Site.

The cookies used by the Site can be viewed by the User from the “Cookie Settings” area via cookie banners and from the “Review Consent” link located in the footer of the Site and reachable at any time of browsing.

3. How to manage or delete cookies

Most Internet browsers are initially set to accept cookies automatically. The User can change these settings to block cookies or to be notified each time cookies are sent to the browsing device. Also at the end of each browsing session, the User can delete the cookies collected from their device. There are a variety of ways to manage cookies. Please refer to the specific instructions of the browser used. In case you use different devices to view and access the Sites (e.g., computers, smartphones, tablets, etc.), it will be your responsibility to ensure that each browser on each device is adjusted to reflect your expressed cookie preferences.

More information on cookie management can be found at

By selecting the links below you can access specific instructions for cookie management using some of the major browsing programs.

Microsoft Windows Explorer

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Apple Safari

If you are not using any of the browsers listed above, you can still select “cookies” in the relevant section of the guide to find out where your cookie folder is located.

You can also manage YOUR choices with respect to third-party cookies using online platforms such as AdChoice.

This happens if:

(a) Masking of appropriate portions of the IP address within the cookie. Taking into account the 32-bit representation of IP version 4 (IPv4) addresses, which are usually represented and used as a sequence of four decimal numbers between 0 and 255 separated by a dot, one of the measures that can be implemented in order to benefit from the exemption consists of masking at least the fourth component of the address, an option that introduces an uncertainty in the attribution of the cookie to a specific data subject equal to 1/256 (about 0.4%). Similar procedures should be adopted with reference to IP version 6 (IPv6) addresses, which have a different structure and an enormously larger address space (being made up of binary numbers represented with 128 bits).

b) verification of the current service agreements with the third party Google with reference to the limits of combining data with other processing and transmission to further third parties:

– via the administrative panel, verification of acceptance of the Data Processing Amendment by following the instructions given (

– deflect the data sharing options in the “Data Sharing Settings” and “Google Products and Services” contained in the Google Analytics administrative control panel

Otherwise, they are to be considered profiling cookies and, as such, require the user’s prior consent for activation.